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Welcome to guilun-fanfiction.blogspot.com Please enjoy the GuiLun fanfiction! (:
Monday, December 14, 2009

Author's Note (AN)

I'm back, readers!
I apologize for making all of you wait for such a long period of time...
However, I need to clarify some issues or problems.
After October which my exams end, I was also still very busy due my CCA (Co-Curriculum Activites or After School Activites) resuming.
Also, during the November period, I was overseas in China for my school's exchange program,
and I therefore could not upload any chapters.
And, the worst problem now is, I AM OUT OF IDEAS!
I have only planned my story up till Chapter 4, and now, I'm racking my brains but I'm out of brain juice and I can't think of anything!
So please, if you have any ideas of how the story can progress, please put it up on the tagboard and I'll consider adding it into the storyline.
Thank You!

Your Writer,
WeiFeng (:

posted @6:39 PM

Welcome to guilun-fanfiction.blogspot.com Please enjoy the GuiLun fanfiction! (:
Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 3

"Petal 3, PIN! ATTACK!" Gui Gui pointed her zanpakuto towards Aaron.

The petal is minimized to the size of a tiny pin, and then it is targeted at the opponent in the direction that the zanpakuto is pointing.

The pin flies in rocket speed towards Aaron, and it poked through Aaron's skin and paralyzed him with the poison that was on the tip of the pin for not more than ten minutes.

"Petal 4!" The fourth petal was enlarged by many times and wraps up Gui Gui and Aaron, creating an artificial space so that their reiatsu will not be noticed by anyone else, and will be more convenient for fighting as no one will notice the fading of one's reiatsu when one of the opponent is dying away.

"What...what are you doing...?"Aaron asked weakly and softly as he was paralyzed and almost couldn't even move his lips while speaking.

"Hmm, guess you can say that it's for 'Finishing the enemy off'?" GuiGui giggled, then she burst out in laughter as she say Aaron's horrified expression.

"This is so fun, you look as if you're going to be killed!"

'Is this girl insane?! She looks as if she's enjoying the fact that she's torturing me! And I can't move at all!' Aaron tried extremely hard to struggle lose, but in the end his efforts were all in vain.

GuiGui looked at Aaron with a huge smile lingering on her face, and then she put her sword back.

"That was fun... Thanks! You've just made me feel better by letting me frustrate all my anger in this battle!" GuiGui looked at him right in the eye, and Aaron felt her gaze pierce right through his eyes.

"I apologize for attacking you recklessly. After all, this is the real world and I shouldn't have done something like this."

"I'll let it go. Look, I want to explain everything to you. I'm a Vizard. An ex-shinigami with the powers of hollows, so that's why you sensed me having evil reiatsu and mistook me for the Arrancar. However, I DO NOT do anything evil, understood?" GuiGui smirked at him.

Aaron looked at GuiGui with astonishment as he did not expect that there would be any ex-shinigami in the real world. He stared at GuiGui from head to toe, and wondered why she looks so ordinary despite the fact that she possesses wonderful powers, and then, GuiGui's figure started wavering and then vanished, while GuiGui teleported herself back to her own bedroom.

Tired from the all-out battle with Aaron, GuiGui drops dead once she fell onto her bed.

The door of her bedroom was left ajar, so her parents crept into her room and stood beside her bed, pulling her up and trying to wake her to get an apology even though GuiGui was already sleeping soundly.

GuiGui began to stir after what her parents did to her, but refused to apologise to them, and requested for them to let her go back to sleep, and then she informed them about the showdown between her and Aaron which have caused her to become dog tired.

"Nee, teme, just let me have some rest. I've just fought some idiot shinigami captain and I'm dog tired. Can you just leave me alone to rest?"

"In one condition, you must promise us that you'll attend the Cross Academy's Night Class, and stop being friends with that stupid Terran called Shermaine."

By the time when GuiGui's parents stated the condition, GuiGui was already half asleep, and her consciousness was fading away.

Because she was so tired, she agreed and said, " Yeah, yeah, whatever, just let me sleep..." and went on into dreamland.

GuiGui's parents have totally made use of this situation to make GuiGui promise them something that she would never had if she was wide awake.


Author's Note (AN)

Hello fellow readers! I am back to post again! (:

Well, I've been seriously quite busy and, I apologise, because I have forgotten about this fanfiction of mine!! ><

But well, I have posted this anyway, so I'm here to explain some things again! :D

Nee means hey in japanese, and the pronounciation is neh-eh, not ni.

So, well, does anyone have any ideas of what i should continue with?

If you have, please email it to my email: yeah_love_rox@hotmail.com

Also, please leave a tag in the cbox of the email that you sent me with the suggestions, so that I will know whether it's spam or not, because I have over 1000+ mails in my inbox.

So, see ya soon, readers! ;D

posted @10:49 AM

Welcome to guilun-fanfiction.blogspot.com Please enjoy the GuiLun fanfiction! (:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chapter 2 - The meeting

Being all pissed off from the confrontation with Yuuki and Kaname, GuiGui stomps out of the shopping mall.

Meanwhile, Aaron and Ichigo are patrolling in the real world to find the arrancars*.

However, Aaron was seperated from Ichigo after loitering the busy streets, and he soon ends up in front of the shopping mall.

Suddenly, he senses a strong 'evil' reiatsu*, and turns around to look for the person releasing the reiatsu.

As he spinned around, he caught a glimpse of GuiGui and stared at her, confirming that the 'evil' reiatsu belonged to her.

At the same time, GuiGui sensed Aaron's reiatsu and turned around, ending up with both Aaron and GuiGui staring at each other.

"Who are you?" GuiGui questioned Aaron.

"I'm Aaron Yan, Captain of Division 5 of Seireitei*." Answered Aaron.

"I guess we have got no choice but to fight eh?" GuiGui said simply.

"Quite true," Aaron said as he pulled out his zanpakuto* and faced GuiGui.

Pulling out her zanpakuto, GuiGui answered, "So, what's a Captain doing in the real world, huh?"

"Nothing much. I suppose we've gotta concentrate on the fight."

Running out towards each other, GuiGui released her bankai*.

"Bankai! Humongous Monkey!" Aaron shouted to let his zanpakuto release the bankai.

Aaron's bankai turns out to be a monkey of a huge size.

By waving the zanpakuto's handle, Aaron controlled the movements and the attacks of the monkey.

"Teme*, are you going to fight against me?" Aaron looked at GuiGui right in the eye.

"Oh yes I am. I'm afraid that you're going to regret that decision though," GuiGui answered him while
swallowing a Gikongan*, and her soul came out of her Gigai*.

"Ah, it's been a long time since it was this comfortable..." Pulling her zanpakuto out, GuiGui stood facing Aaron. She pointed her katana* right at Aaron, and walked towards him.

"You're gonna play for this, baka... BANKAI! Extreme 5 petals Orchid!" GuiGui shouted out the name of her Bankai, and the katana turned into a seed.

GuiGui let the seed drop onto the floor, and within seconds, a purple orchid grew right out of it.

Just like Aaron, GuiGui can control her zanpakuto's attacks with the movement of the handle.

With both of them having released their Bankai form of their zanpakutos, they each launched their first attack against each other.

"Long tail attack!" Aaron screamed out. The huge tail from the monkey went clashing into the ground right in front of GuiGui.

Luckily, GuiGui managed to dodge just in time.

"Petal one, BREAKER!!" GuiGui screamed out as she landed right behind her orchid.

*BAM* The petal transformed into a gigantic metal piece and dropped onto the floor, making the floor crack all the way towards Aaron's side.

"CLAP CLAP ATTACK!!" Aaron shouted as he sprinted up into the air to prevent himself from dropping into the cracks, and his monkey went forward to GuiGui, trying to use its hands to trap GuiGui.

"Uh-oh, looks like somebody's gonna lose! Petal Two, Flying saucer!" GuiGui jeered at Aaron, then continued her second attack.

The second petal turned out to be a flying saucer just like its name, and it was circling around Aaron. However, it was also a blade and can cut the enemy if he's not careful.

*Swoosh* The saucer returned back to GuiGui, and she threw it out again.

'Aish, this is so irritating, I can't even launch my attack if I have to keep dodging....' thought Aaron as he jumped to and fro to prevent getting sliced up by the flying saucer.


AN [Author's Note]

So so sorry for the super-short chapter, and for so many confusing words.

Here's the explanation of the following words below with the *...

arrancar - hollows that have human appearance and mindset
reiatsu - paranormal energy, also spirit pressure.
seireitei - the place where the Soul Reapers/Shinigami/Death gods reside in, and also where they learn to fight.
zanpakuto - the special name for the swords of Shinigami
bankai - the strongest form of the zanpakuto, also the second form.
teme - bastard/bitch
gigai - the "fake" body of the spirit, which is given when they enter the real world so that normal humans can see them.
katana - japanese for sword

I hope that you readers like this short and crappy chapter! ^^
Please comment ~~ Don't be silent readers! :D


posted @12:58 PM

Welcome to guilun-fanfiction.blogspot.com Please enjoy the GuiLun fanfiction! (:
Friday, April 17, 2009

Chapter 1

"Oka-sama, why can't I hang out with my friend?" GuiGui asked desperately.

"Gui, it is the middle of the day now, why do you insist on going out now? And what if that Terran finds out what you are?" GuiGui's mother glanced at her.

"If I always go out only in the night, it is already obvious of what I am! And she has a name, Oka-sama, her name is Shermaine! Please stop calling her a Terran, she's my only friend!"
Gui Gui was very annoyed with her mother.

GuiGui is banned from going out with any friend, and is only allowed to attend school in the day during weekdays because she had wished for this. However, GuiGui is the only child in the family, and always being kept at home had caused her to be as lonely as ever. She could only talked through the phone with Shermaine, her only friend. They had never met any time other than in school, and GuiGui wants to be able to be out there to hang out with Shermaine. However, because she was a Methuselah, UV rays are deadly to them, and therefore was banned by her mother to step out of the house during the weekend daytime. Frustrated, GuiGui tried to argue with her mother.

"No means no, understand? Do not be stubborn. Just staying at home wouldn't kill."

"Odou-sama, could you please talk some sense into Oka-sama?"

"No, GuiGui, I agree with your mother. It isn't worth it to lose your life to meet a Terran." GuiGui's father agreed with her mother.

"Oh, yes, Gui, one more thing. You are to be transferred to the Night Class from tomorrow onwards, understood?" GuiGui's mother informed her.

"No, no, NO!" Trying to hold back her tears, GuiGui dashed towards the door and out of the huge mansion's gate.

There's nothing pleasant in GuiGui's life.
Be it friendship, kinship or any other relationship.

'My presence is not needed. Odou-sama and Oka-sama would have led a better life if Oka-sama hadn't gave birth to me. I am a loner. Shermaine is my only friend. And I'm entering Night Class huh? Kaname and Yuuki will be there. How lucky can I get?!' GuiGui was confused and her tears trickled all over her face. Her legs were still carrying her around, and she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Vampire! Stop there!" Out of nowhere in the park, a vampire hunter appeared in front of GuiGui, and pointed the gun at her.

"Kisama! How dare you call me a vampire, you lowly Terran!"

Being agitated, GuiGui blasts a massive hypersonic wave at the vampire hunter, then teleports herself to another location.

GuiGui found herself in the toilet of a particular mall.

She got out of the cubicle, and then stood stiffed to see Yuuki.

Yuuki smiles, "GuiGui-aneue! It's so good to see you! "

GuiGui fakes a smile while having her eyes glaring at Yuuki.

"Yes, it is, indeed."

Walking out of the toilet with Yuuki, she had another shock of her life.

Kaname stood there waiting for Yuuki.

GuiGui faked another smiled and hissed, "Oh, hi, Kaname-kun, what an coincidence!"

"Ah, yes." Kaname glared at GuiGui, then looked away and walked off.

Yuuki was extremely angry of Kaname's attitude, and rushed after him, then started to quarrel with him.

Happy that the two sweet lovebirds are quarrelling, GuiGui stiffled an evil giggle, and walked away.


posted @9:25 PM

Welcome to guilun-fanfiction.blogspot.com Please enjoy the GuiLun fanfiction! (:
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Author's Note (AN)

Hello to my fellow readers!
As you can see, I have deleted all my previous chapters on the GuiLun story...
That's because I don't have any more inspiration,
and I was stuck at that point of the story... I AM SO SORRY!
But anyway, I'll be starting on a new story now.

Well, this new story's storyline is kinda complicated,
so I'll tell you guys more about it now.

I'll be combining Vampire Knight, Trinity Blood and Bleach's characters.
Kaname, Yuuki, Abel Nightroad and Kurosaki Ichigo are the characters who will most probably appear more in this story.
Of course this is still a GuiLun story, so Gui Gui and Aaron Yan will still be the main characters.

Okay, so here's the story plot:
Vampires hate people calling them vampires.
They call themselves "Methuselahs" and call humans "Terrans".
Amongst Methuselahs, there are 4 different classes.
The lowest class vampires are called "Level E". They are vampires that are once human.
The second class is the Ordinary class. These are just normal vampires.
The third class is the "Nobles". They have different individual combat abilities.
The fourth class, the highest, are "Purebloods".
The Purebloods possess the ability to turn any human into a vampire by feeding on their blood,
or either their blood is toxic to the human and they die.
The Purebloods are also the "leaders" of all Methuselahs/Vampires.
Within the Purebloods, there is a family called the Kuran family.
They are the highest rank within all the Purebloods and amongst the vampires.
Kaname and Yuuki belongs to the Kuran family.
Gui Gui also belongs to the Kuran family, but is Kaname and Yuuki's cousin.
Abel Nightroad does not belong to any vampire class,
because he is different from the other vampires.
He's the Crusnik02, a vampire that only feeds on the blood of vampires.

Now, I'll introduce the Shinigami.
Shinigami are also known as Death Gods.
Those who watch Bleach will know Kurosaki Ichigo very well.
He's an assistant shinigami, but a very strong one.
He has a friend, called Aaron Yan.
Aaron is the captain of the 13th squad.

oh my god. I have finally finished introducing the storyline.
Fine, I think I've introduced too much... *_*


posted @10:36 PM

This is a blog used for GuiLun FanFictions.
If you do not support GuiLun,
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and please don't write mean comments.
Please leave your comments in the tagboard.
Btw, I do not own this blogskin
Please refer to the credits below.
Thank you! ;D

Hey there! I am the author of this blog!
My name is WeiFeng aka Fiona
I'm turning 15 this year on 24 May,
currently studying in 3LY of CCHMS.

I'm a lover of GuiLun,
so that's why I'm using this blog
to create a GuiLun FanFiction.
I had been addicted to GuiLun
since 霹雳MIT was shown.
And I'm planning to use the FanFiction story
to improve on my English.
Hope you readers will support me!

Leave your comments here! :D

My personal blog.
My Personal Blog

the past is behind?
Apr 4, 2009
Apr 17, 2009
Jun 9, 2009
Oct 19, 2009
Dec 14, 2009

behind the scenes